Thursday, June 16, 2016

Making Pioneer Bread

We had a fun event planned for the community today: making bread and butter like the pioneers. We had two sections open 2 o'clock to 4 o'clock then the next section was from 6 o'clock to 8 o'clock.


We had a great turn out. There were lots of kids of all ages along with their parents that came to the bread making event. The groups were first told the instructions of what they would be doing and how they would be making the bread.


(Getting instructions)


First Group to start. Good Luck!!!


(Everyone diving in.)

Since it is the twenty-first century, and the activity was located outside, we wanted as little mess as possible and not that much clean up. Therefor instead of mixing everything in a bowl everything went into a zip-lock plastic bag.


We divided the kids into groups that had three people in them. Each group was given a plastic bag and told to spray the inside with Pam. After that they added about half of the flour, the salt, yeast, sugar, and hot water. The bag was then sealed tightly and the children took turns mixing the content up. After the content was all mixed together. The mixture was suppose to rest for ten minutes. This gave the families an opportunity to look around the museum and the cabin.  

Once the ten minutes were up the kids added the oil and the rest of the flour. Mixing it all together was a real work out. The dough was then taken out of the bag divided into three  balls and placed into their own individual pans, so that the children could take them home and bake them.


The next section was the butter making: pouring heavy cream into a glass jar. We had the kids and their parents shake the jar until the sloshing sound stopped. They added a small amount of salt, then started to shake again. Many arms got tired in this process. After a while a sloshing sound could be heard once more. The kids were instructed to open up their jar and pour out the liquid that was inside. What remained was the butter.


It was a great day full of fun and laughter from family and community members. It was an enjoyable day at the museum. Daughters of Utah Pioneers love to invite and get the community involved in the museum. This is just one of the fun ways that the museum does that.

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